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No Spring Chicken

Writer's picture: Ellie BaerEllie Baer

Spring has arrived in the UK and the new season, lush with magnolia blossoms, apple and cherry trees, cows, sheep and chickens roaming the evergreen landscape is so regenerating. This cyclical renewal always reminds me of the promise of opportunity and change.

It's no secret that I’ve been at this voice over game for quite some time. 

But I didn’t start out this way.  It appears that my very own nature guided me down this path.

I was and am first - a singer and a songwriter. I’d come off a long singing gig in Japan, two record contracts and a host of publishing deals with some of LA’s publishing giants including Disney -before entering the world of voice over.

And surprise, surprise, it was actually during one of those musical encounters that I was asked to voice a 'singing' Daisy Duck for an original song I’d written for Walt Disney Records. 

I have to say that duet-ing with Donald Duck is one of those experiences that one doesn’t easily forget. To quote myself (is that politically incorrect?) "There's something contagious about my outrageous feathered friend...."

Two of the songs we recorded were called “Everything is Ducky with Donald” and a rewrite of the Leiber & Stoller classic "Yakety Yak" called “Quackety Quack.” 

Having trained as an actress along side my musical pursuits, here was an opportunity where I could employ both talents while Donald whispered sweet quackings in my ear...

I quickly realized that voice over was indeed something I could not resist.

So, ya think it's ok to say that I was seduced by Donald Duck?

Shortly after that session, I found myself in front of an LA agent voicing every character in my family - from my crazy Brooklyn-born Aunt Hannah to my Filipino sister in law and every mangy pet our family had ever adopted. I also threw in my perfect Streisand impression of “Second Hand Rose.” I passed the audition and with still no professional demo to my name, was signed on the spot.

That was then. And now, five hundred personalities later, I’m still clucking my way through character copy every morning. I love it. And I never tire of it. 

Ducks, chickens, even people. :-)

Even though my husband tells me it’s a bit like living with Sybil. He never knows who I am going to be from one moment to the next... (but hey, that's a whole 'nother story...)

It’s what keeps life juicy, innit?

Here’s the thing. There are some careers that carry an end date. You know, when you start feeling like Grandma Moses in the office. They present you with the gold watch or whateva... I figure as long as I can still authentically juggle the “terrible twos,” the girl next door and that annoying 'vocal fry,' who’s gonna know that I’m really 111? Right?

Ok, I'm not 111. But I will be one day.

And right now, who cares. It's spring and everything is blooming again. Life is new!

Bwwaaaaak  bwwwwwwaaakkk .

One 'Spring Chicken' (for a price!) ... signing off!



Copyright  2022-2023 All rights reserved Ellie Baer
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